Join DNSP Gossip

Join Decentralized Network Starter Protocol


  • Latest Rust nightly release

  • cargo

  • Docker

Build and install CLI tool

cd ~
git clone
cd tvm-sdk
cargo install --path tvm_cli --force

The path to the tvm-cli is now publicly accessible. You can also add it to your environment variables (ENVs).

export PATH=$PATH:~/.cargo/bin

Step 1. Generate seed phrase and keys for each BK node (offline step)

With BK Node Owner keys you will be able to manage the node. The public key must be provided to the License Owner for license delegation.

Here’s an example of a command that generates a key pair from a seed phrase and saves it to a specified file:

cd ~
mkdir config
tvm-cli getkeypair -o config/block_keeper.keys.json


Write down your seed phrase and store it in a secure location. You will only see them once and won't be able to restore them! Never share it with anyone. Avoid storing it in plain text, screenshots, or any other insecure method. If you lose it, you lose access to your assets. Anyone who obtains it will have full access to your assets.

Additionally, ensure the file containing the key pair is saved in a safe place.

Step 2. Running Acki Nacki Igniter

You must run single instance of Acki Nacki Igniter on each BK server

Step 2.1

Generation of BLS keys for each BK node using the node-helper tool.

BLS keys will be required by BKs for signing blocks and will be rotated every epoch.

Building node-helper:

cd ~
git clone
cd ackinacki
cargo install --path node-helper

run it:

cd ~
node-helper bls --path config/block_keeper_bls.keys.json

As a result, the BLS keys will be saved in the file config/block_keeper_bls.keys.json

Each new call to node-helper bls adds keys to this array

for example:

    "public": "a03f22faaa0ae87c3676ce2018278e4e08a6423cd3043fe8ee71b1f33dff9178a8414d7a37e6d42ef5f3bce020e2d4ff",
    "secret": "05f7d62bc3c2bc60f966ce5b80b973c7e24a79f82f5b648c1186cc5f3aed9277",
    "rnd": "234291dc9e47ecb9f1265fe9e7f1ea485fe38c8daba9faf6741a836d810bc743"

Step 2.2

Create a file config/keys.yaml from template with keys:

  • place the keys from the file config/block_keeper.keys.json in the wallet section;

  • place the data from the file config/block_keeper_bls.keys.json in the bls section;

For example:

  pubkey: 7876682d123554aeedc71eb4e437e3c25ea8c9d97c0fd3fb9521061d6f494cdc
  secret: 0e31a5b3f97f5d244421b07afc16d5f9a236043c81a932a941d49c983dff6fa8

  pubkey: a03f22faaa0ae87c3676ce2018278e4e08a6423cd3043fe8ee71b1f33dff9178a8414d7a37e6d42ef5f3bce020e2d4ff
  secret: 05f7d62bc3c2bc60f966ce5b80b973c7e24a79f82f5b648c1186cc5f3aed9277
  rnd: 234291dc9e47ecb9f1265fe9e7f1ea485fe38c8daba9faf6741a836d810bc743

Create the configuration file config/igniter.yaml for Acki Nacki Igniter from template:

For example:

advertise_addr: "your_ip_address:10000"

# Do not change next lines
listen_addr: ""
api_addr: ""
interval: 1000
  - ""
  - ""
  - ""
  - ""
  - ""
  - ""
  - ""
  - ""
  - ""
  - ""

advertise-addr specifies the address that the node shares with other nodes for connection.

seeds are a list of nodes in gossip that provide other nodes with information for connecting to the network. Each seed serves as a starting point for synchronization and discovering other nodes in the network.

Run Igniter in Docker:

  • before this set environment variables:

cd ~
export KEYS=./config/keys.yaml
export CONFIG_FILE=./config/igniter.yaml

# Change the following line to match the `advertise_addr` specified in your config file
export ADVERTISE_PORT=10000

export IMAGE=teamgosh/acki-nacki-igniter:latest

If you are using a non-standard socket for Docker, you can specify it via the DOCKER_SOCKET environment variable when launching Acki Nacki Igniter.

We strongly recommend using the installation via Docker for proper update process operation.

  • and run docker container:

docker run  \
        --rm \
        -p 10001:10001 \
        -p ${ADVERTISE_PORT}:10000/udp \
        -p ${ADVERTISE_PORT}:10000/tcp \
        -v "${KEYS}:/keys.yaml" \
        -v "${CONFIG_FILE}:/config.yaml" \
        -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" \
        $IMAGE \
        acki-nacki-igniter --keys /keys.yaml --config /config.yaml

By default the DNSP state is accessible on http://your_public_ip_address:10001

Link to the source code.

Step 3. Delegating licenses

If you own BK licenses and want to delegate them to your nodes, do this in the dashboard.

To delegate licenses, you need to know the public key of the BK node owner.

  • In the first step, you need to connect the cryptocurrency wallet from which the licenses were purchased.

Confirm that you are the wallet owner by signing a message:

  • Generate Acki Nacki License Owner Phrase and public key or click the "Import an existing phrase" button to import your existing Phrase from Acki Nacki app.

This Phrase will be linked to your Dashboard Account through a public key. This can only be done once. You will use it to withdraw BK rewards for your delegated licenses.

At this step, a seed phrase will be generated/imported for this Account. It will be required to manage your licenses. After the network starts, you will be able to update the license contract owner to a wallet address, such as a multisig. This way, the withdrawal of rewards can be confirmed by multiple custodians.

You will only see seed phrase once and won't be able to restore it!

Write down your seed phrase and store it in a secure location. Never share it with anyone. Avoid storing it in plain text, screenshots, or any other insecure method. If you lose it, you lose access to your assets. Anyone who obtains it will have full access to your assets.

A very important point: make sure you have memorized your seed phrase correctly:

  • Create and confirm a passcode:

The passcode is used to encrypt the seed phrase in the device storage.

Your license owner's public key will be available in the top right corner:

  • Then, delegate each license from your list to a node using one of the BK Node Owner public key generated above.

Do not use BLS keys for license delegation.

To do this, go to the Licenses tab and click the Delegate button.

Licenses that are not delegated will not generate rewards.

If you already know the Node Owner's public key, enter it in the corresponding field and click the Delegate button.

If not, send a delegation request to one of the Node Providers from the suggested list.

No more than 5 BK licenses can be delegated to a single node. The reward for BK validation in the network is evenly distributed among the licenses delegated to it.

Information about delegated licenses will look something like this:

A BK node can be changed, and a license can be delegated to another BK. However, to avoid losing rewards, this should be done between Epochs.

Actual information about the DNSP Gossip state can be viewed on the Gossip tab:

Information about delegated licenses will be automatically updated in Gossip with Acki Nacki Igniter.

If the license is not delegated to a BK node before the network launch, it will not be placed in the Zerostate.

Once over 75% of BK Licenses join the DNSP, the network will automatically go live.

Last updated